23 September 2011

National Sewing Month Challenge Day 23, pillowcase

Welcome to Day 23! My little (or not so little) boy is out growing the cutesie things and on to the big boy stuff. My two boys share a room and a bunk bed. So I have been thinking that making their bedding a little more personalized. Since pink for the Missy, blue for Big J and green for Little J, those are the colors that each kid has ended up with. Why not make them a little more than just plain jane!
Big J likes skate boarding, in the house. And I think he will pretty excited when he sees a skate boarding related pillowcase. This was a really nice change to my last few projects, this was so easy!

Here is the fabric:
The skate boarder fabric is cute in its own way I guess. But this black and white fabric is really hard on the eyes. As you can see its checkered but has a weird wave to it. 
Measured the fabric to the size of the pillow and pinned the two pieces together.
After sewing I pressed the seam flat. 
Next I folded the edge over of the black and white fabric to make a finished edge. Then took the seam that holds the two different fabrics together and folded those edges over so the raw edges aren't visible. After sewing the side seams its all done! 
And the finished pillowcase. I am saving for a serger so I just zig zag stitched the edges in hopes of the edges not fraying to much when I wash it. 
Hmm what else should I make with this fabric combination? 

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