24 September 2011

National Sewing Month Challenge Day 24, Sewing machine cover

Welcome to Day 24! Last night when I purchased the fabric for Big J's pillow case I also saw this fabric and decided to make a sewing machine cover. I imagine after this month is over I probably won't be sewing as frequently and should keep a cute little cover over my machine. Hey why not, right? I had purchased this fabric with a ribbon in the exact same pattern but realized after sewing it that it was a little wide to be tied easily. Here is the fabric pre-project:
I just love this fabric! It's just so pretty, a bit vintage but still very modern. And I have plenty left to make a little bag or something later this month!!
Here is the finished cover. I have to admit I am very addicted to this ruffled trim. I have yet to make something that it didn't end up looking adorable on! And please excuse my messy desk. It seems no matter how much I try to declutter it it always ends up back to a piled up mess!
This is only one layer thick of fabric, I'm not worried about my sewing machine getting cold. Also the thinner ribbon seems to work a lot better too. Now what to do with the thicker ribbons I already purchased!? 
Maybe there is a cute printed belt in my future?
Happy Crafting and have a wonderful evening!

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